27 Nov The Ultimate Christmas Gift: The Gift of Relaxation
Is there anything more stressful than purchasing Christmas gifts? In this age of consumerism, many people simply purchase the items on their “wish list” instead of waiting until the next holiday. This makes it increasingly harder to find gifts that your loved ones will truly appreciate!
The stress that surrounds that holiday season is enough to make anyone crazy. Luckily for you, we have the solution to all your gifting woes!
Why You Should Give the Gift of Relaxation
There are many reasons we believe the ultimate holiday gift is that of a relaxing experience. Beyond taking the stress out of your holiday shopping, a special experience aids in memory making and relationship building.
Oftentimes, the Christmas gift you gave your co-worker, friend, or sister sits unused for several months. Although you purchased it with the best intentions, it may not be something that they enjoy or have a use for.
Giving the gift of an experience can go a long way in showing someone you care about them. Many people are hesitant to give a gift card. This is simply ridiculous! Here are a few reasons we believe that gifting an experience is the best decision you can make this holiday season.
Experiences Create Memories
There is nothing more special than creating memories with the people you love. One fun way to gift an experience is to plan a spa day for you and your sister, mom, best friend, etc. Purchase a gift certificate for a mani/pedi, facial, or massage and make a day of it! Pick them up, treat them to their favorite coffee, and then come relax with us. We guarantee this is a gift they will never forget.
An Experience is a Unique Gift
Is there anything worse than purchasing a special gift for your loved one only to have someone else gift them with the exact same thing?! Although it may be something they are truly excited about, it’s always better to purchase a gift that is unique. Giving the gift of an experience such as a spa day or massage is a unique gift that is sure to please.
Experiences Encourage Relaxation
We all know that one person in our life who just doesn’t relax. Whether it’s your teacher, boss, or mom, everyone needs a few moments to unwind. Gifting them with a relaxing experience encourages and enables them to take care of themselves! Investing in your loved ones in this way is both thoughtful and practical.
How to Gift Relaxation
Are you sold on the idea of gifting experiences this year? We are happy to help! There are two ways to purchase the gift of a facial, massage, or nail service at Bella Vita. Stop at any time during the holiday season to purchase your gift cards and we will assist you in gift wrapping them on the spot! Alternatively, you can purchase gift cards online and either print the voucher to wrap or send it to the recipient via email.
Whatever the situation, we know that your loved ones will appreciate the thought that goes into the gift of an experience. Wishing you joy & love this holiday season from all of us at Bella Vita!
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