28 Oct Why We Give
“Three things in human life are important: the first is to be kind; the second is to be kind; and the third is to be kind. ”• Henry James
It’s November, the month of giving and thankfulness. Let’s slow down a minute – before the busiest of all seasons arrives- and take a minute to be grateful.
We are aware of the fact that life is better than we deserve. The world is full of pain and suffering, hardship and turmoil, disappointment and regret. So the fact that we can be thankful and mean it is, in its own way, a small miracle.
Being grateful is a choice.
We’re learning there is a responsibility that comes with privilege. That we are blessed to bless. Gifted to give. We are not lucky, fortunate, or merely disciplined; We are expected to do something with the grace we’ve been given. And so are you.
What you give comes back to you.
When you run your family or business to serve others, benefits will come. Instead of thinking of how you can benefit, lead with a giving mentality of serving others. Giving often ends up benefiting you financially. Take a look at Sara Blakely, entrepreneur and owner of Spanx. She believes what goes around, comes around. She measures her ultimate impact by what she gives as well as by what she gets. She creates a giving culture at Spanx. Employees, not just executives, run the philanthropy board, research potential grantees and deliver checks to organizations the company supports. Sara shares more than company profits; she shares the spirit of giving. This kind of inclusive participation is a model families can use as well.
Here’s a cool thing…giving is proven to be scientifically good for you! Take a look at this article.
How we give.
You’ve see in every newsletter this year the places that Bella Vita has given to. Not only are we supporting our community, we’re making smart choices when it comes to the services and products we provide.
FarmHouse Fresh, the creator of the amazing all natural products we offer in our boutique, dedicates hours towards animal rescues and funding local rescue groups that save forgotten and abused animals.
HydroPeptide gives back by providing clean water in third world countries
Giving back is also part of our new line of AG Hair Products. Their outreach extends all the way across the globe to Africa through our Every Bottle Counts campaign. AG is also active in supporting national charities across Canada and the US as well as local charities in their Vancouver community.
May your November be filled with thankfulness, gratitude and overwhelming kindness for where you are and what you have.
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